Which devices do you utilise to create Dragon vs Tiger games?
We create Dragon vs Tiger games using the renowned Unity Game Engine. We use Node.JS and Socket.io for Realtime data transfer on the backend. MongoDB is used to maintain the database, while AWS is the server.
How can I hire your company to create my project?
You can hire us by email, whatsapp, and call for Dreagon vs Tiger game development.
Why should I select Heighten Tech Solution for the development of my Dragon Tiger game?

We have established a solid presence in the market by leveraging the experience and knowledge of our highly trained developers. Depending on your company's needs, we are skilled at providing exceptional white-label Dragon Tiger gaming solutions. Our Dragon Tiger game developers have an in-depth understanding of cutting-edge technologies that enable us to create functioning games that are feature-rich, adaptable, resilient, and secure.
Do you offer any NDAs or other documents to protect the contents of my project?
We will give you our legally binding, certified signed NDAs and safely keep all the information about your project.
What is the price of a game developed by Dragon Tiger?
The price to design a Dragon Tiger game ranges from $1000 to $2000 for a single platform (Android or iOS) with simple features. The price will also depend on the functions you want to include if you want to create a mobile Dragon Tiger game with all the latest features and compatibility for numerous mobile platforms. Additionally, the price would vary significantly from that of mobile platforms if you want your Dragon Tiger game to be available online.